Training Programmes

No. Date Title Organised by Venue
1 Feb-2023 Financial Products for Assisting Trade Export-Import Bank of India Virtual
2 Mar-2022 LIBOR Transition Asian Development Bank Online
3 Nov-2021 Green Finance Eximbank China Online
4 May-2021 SME Finance (Trade Finance Products with a focus on supporting SMEs) Asian Development Bank Online
5 Apr-2021 Loan Restructuring and Recovery Management (including Debt Sustainability and Legal Issues) during COVID-19 Eximbank Korea Online
6 Jul-2020 Environmental and Social Considerations and Actions that need to be taken Eximbank Korea Online
7 Nov-2019 Identification of Early Warning Signals and Resolution and Recovery Strategies for Stressed Assets Eximbank India Bengaluru
8 May-2019 Country and Sovereign Risk Analysis Indonesia Eximbank Jakarta
9 Apr-2019 PPP Financing Tools and Financing Structure Eximbank Thailand Bangkok
10 Mar-2019 Sovereign and Country Risk Analysis Indonesia Eximbank Jakarta, Indonesia